Monday, May 21, 2012

Perfectly Unbalanced

My son has been studying fugurative language for his reading class at school.  I have to admit, either I didn't pay close enough attention in middle school, or this qualifies as one of the things I randomly blocked from my memory!  However, we did have a little fun creating oxymorans.  I threw out some of the more common ones...jumbo shrimp, plastic glass, and pretty ugly. Later that evening one more oxymoran popped into my head and it struck a chord with me...

"Perfectly Unbalanced"

This is me, this is my life...perfectly unbalanced

If I close my eyes and look back many years I can clearly see the struggles I had with anxiety and depression.  The unexplained feelings of nervousness, the “pit” in my stomach, and the worry that consumed my everyday.  At the darkest times, getting out of bed was a chore, crying was the norm, not eating, and wondering what is wrong with me. 

To anyone on the outside looking in, my life was perfect.  I grew up in a small town with loving parents, I attended college, started a career, married a fantastic man, bought a house, had two healthy children, one boy and one girl.  Perfect right?  No, which only increased the feelings of guilt and anxiety I was experiencing.

Fast forward to took awhile, but with the help of my family and friends, I have found that it is OK to be perfectly unbalanced and it doesn't make me any less of a mother, wife, daughter or friend. 

So, slap on some'll be fine!  
Today's shade of choice... M.A.C. Pretty Please

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