Monday, October 8, 2012

For the Love of Music

For as long as I can remember, music has been a big part of my life. I was introduced to music at a very young age.  With parents as music teachers, there was always a melody of some sort playing in our house. 

My appreciation for music didn't always exist.  Yes, I was one of those kids that disliked piano lessons and would find every possible excuse to get out of practicing and I certainly did not enjoy being the "special music" at church on Sunday's.

But music isn't just about reading notes and carrying a's about finding a connection. A connection to other people, places, and memories.  It's about knowing exactly where you were, who you were with, and what you were wearing when Bon Jovi's "You Give Love a Bad Name" blasted on the "boom box" during high school basketball practice.

Music not only creates a connection, but it also elicits an emotion. Some music gets you pumped up, ready for a workout, a long run or even a game. Take for example the song "Thunderstruck". Anyone that knows NDSU sports, understands the excitement when they hear it begin to blare over the loud speakers.

The sentimental side of me melts when I hear "Can't Help Falling In Love".  The song is a classic and  one that I remember from my wedding day.  It reminds me of how lucky I am to have found someone who loves me unconditionally.

And then some songs provide memories that can be bittersweet.  Each and everytime I hear "How Great Thou Art" it brings a tear to my eye, remembering how my sister and brother in law sang it so beautifully at my Grandma's funeral.

For every emotion, for every experience, for every aspect of life, there is a piece of music. We may remember a certain place, person, smell, color and so on. As a song progresses we may smile, laugh, cry, giggle or even smirk.

Music has and always will have a special place in my heart and I'm thankful to my parents for enabling me to develop my love of music. So in today's hectic world consumed by high academic standards and demanding sports schedules, I will continue to encourage my kids to embrace music through piano, band, choir, or whatever direction they may choose.

Music is a gift and without it, life would be awfully boring.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dare to TRI...

Do you remember when as children we would dare each other to do something that required some degree of courage or stupidity?  It was more of a game than anything else, which always produced, well... interesting results.

Recently I have tried to carry this simple game concept into my adult life. However, I don’t need anyone to dare me. I'm daring myself.

Last weekend I participated in the Dare to TRI - Maple Grove Triathlon

With each new challenge I dare myself to do, I learn a little more about myself. On this particular Saturday morning, I learned...

I am way more competitive than I am willing to admit. I become emotional when stressed (shocker). I am mentally and physically stronger than I realize and not to sweat the small stuff.
Most importantly, I learned how blessed I am to have a huge network of supportive family and friends!  Each and every one of you were there for me when I needed it most. 

Early on I said I wasn't trying to compete, I simply wanted to complete.  Mission accomplished!

Call it what you want... a dare, a goal, a mid-life crisis, or a check on your bucket list.
It really doesn't matter as long as your having fun.

So, slap on some lipstick and do something daring, be something daring, try something daring.
Dare to be different. Dare to be outrageous. Dare to fail. Dare to win or simply Dare to inspire.

Dare to TRI...


Monday, June 25, 2012

Life as a lake kid

If you have spent any of your childhood in Minnesota, you probably have a few summer lake stories. This time of the year has been and always will be my favorite.  I often dream about the dog days of summer and spending my weekends at the lake.

I began my life as a lake kid early.  My parents were both teachers, so we were lucky enough to "live" at the lake.  It wasn't until I was a little older, did I realize most parents still had to work during the months of June, July, and August.  I simply assumed everyone was on summer break. Little did I know how lucky I was.
It seemed, once upon a time, that those hot summer days would simply go on and on.  We would waterski from dawn to dusk, play water war on huge tractor tubes, and drive the 4 wheeler on back roads to the Cormorant Store for ice cream cones.  Even on the hottest days, the breeze from the lake could give a girl goose bumps.   To this day, the sweet smell of boat gas reminds me of my happy place.  Simply put, spending summers at the lake was heaven.

Kevin and Melanie
Tony's Campground
Dave Barefooting

Summer of 1987 - my 1st car
My fondest summer memories were full of self-mixed tanning lotion (iodine and baby oil), the sounds of Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, or any other 80's tune blaring over the boom box, and cruising the "strip" in my very 1st car with my BFF's. 

The summer of 1987, I was just 16 years old when Playboy Magazine declared Detroit Lakes one of the top party destinations for Independence Day. On Fourth of July week, the relatively small lakeside town packs in thousands of people for fireworks, music, food and drinks.

Our cabin was prime location for people watching.  It backed up to the main road that everyone traveled when coming or going into D.L.  Needless to say, my friends and I learned a lot that summer!

Detroit Lakes Beach
A lot of people may never experience or understand what being a "lake kid" is, but to me there was nothing else like it.  I had no idea how special those summers would become to me. They are a part of me. The lake defines a huge part of my childhood and I am so grateful for the memories.

Now that I have children of my own, I want them to experience the same . I want them to jump off a dock, swim all morning and ski all afternoon til its time to come out of the water, eat, and do it all over again. It's a delicious childhood and I wouldn't want anything less for my children.

Carson & Kate - Summer of 2011

Since the 80's and summer have a special place in my heart, I will leave you with a song that reminds me of those hot summer nights.  Go ahead, backcomb those bangs, spray on some AquaNet and slap on some lipstick - bright pink lipstick...and enjoy!

Monday, May 21, 2012

So much more than 13.1 miles

This past weekend, more than 23,000 people came together in Fargo, ND to participate in the 2012 Fargo Rocks Marathon. 

I've come to realize that runners are a very special kind of breed.  Some run for loved ones. Some for personal challenges. Others because of hardships or long lost dreams.  Many run to redeem that youthful spirit that remains nestled in each of us. For all these reasons and so many more, is why I challenged myself to run 13.1 miles.

I never intended on running a 1/2 marathon until a few short months ago.  If I was going to do it, my choice would be the Fargo Marathon.  It was a no-brainer!  I grew up near Fargo and attended college in Fargo/Moorhead.  Everyone says it's fast, flat, fun and friendly.  What's better than strolling down memory lane for 13.1 miles.

I trained for 10 weeks.  Sometimes wondering what I was doing.  I powered through my doubts, leaned on family and friends and mentally prepared for the race.  I was ready physically and mentally...or at least I thought.

I was not prepared for the emotions I felt when lining up at the start of the race.  As I listened to the Star Spangled Banner and O Canada, my emotions got the best of me.  I was cold, nervous, scared,  and out of my comfort zone when the tears began running down my face.  What if I get sick, what if I can't finish, what if...
Standing next to me was a Dad who was running with his daughter.  He caught my eye, gave me a wink, and said "just remember to have fun".  I pulled it together just as the race began.

It took me a mile or two to settle in and get comfortable but overall miles 1-5 were easy.  Dave and Carson joined me for miles 5-8.5, and then it was up to me to finish strong. 

Fargo Rocks!  The volunteers, the bands, the spectators, and the runners made my first half marathon experience something I will never forget!  Nothing may ever compare to this experience, which is why, to me, this was so much more than 13.1 miles.

PS...I managed to slap on some lipstick before crossing the finish line!
M.A.C. Diva

Perfectly Unbalanced

My son has been studying fugurative language for his reading class at school.  I have to admit, either I didn't pay close enough attention in middle school, or this qualifies as one of the things I randomly blocked from my memory!  However, we did have a little fun creating oxymorans.  I threw out some of the more common ones...jumbo shrimp, plastic glass, and pretty ugly. Later that evening one more oxymoran popped into my head and it struck a chord with me...

"Perfectly Unbalanced"

This is me, this is my life...perfectly unbalanced

If I close my eyes and look back many years I can clearly see the struggles I had with anxiety and depression.  The unexplained feelings of nervousness, the “pit” in my stomach, and the worry that consumed my everyday.  At the darkest times, getting out of bed was a chore, crying was the norm, not eating, and wondering what is wrong with me. 

To anyone on the outside looking in, my life was perfect.  I grew up in a small town with loving parents, I attended college, started a career, married a fantastic man, bought a house, had two healthy children, one boy and one girl.  Perfect right?  No, which only increased the feelings of guilt and anxiety I was experiencing.

Fast forward to took awhile, but with the help of my family and friends, I have found that it is OK to be perfectly unbalanced and it doesn't make me any less of a mother, wife, daughter or friend. 

So, slap on some'll be fine!  
Today's shade of choice... M.A.C. Pretty Please

Wild Soul Soft Heart

Everyone has a story to tell.  This blog simply allows me to share my story.  This is who I am..

  • Daughter
  • Sister 
  • Wife
  • Mother
  • Friend
  • Co-worker
  • Sports Mom
  • Chauffeur
  • Maybe Blogger
  • Hot Yoga Lover
  • Day Dreamer
  • Fashionista
  • Wannabe Photographer
  • Red Wine Sipper
  • Hair Color Junkie
  • Pool Floater 
  • Diet Coke Addict
  • High Maintenence
  • Wild Soul
  • Soft Heart
  • Perfectly Unbalanced

  • My life is full. I am FULL…to the point of running over at times. I’m searching for something I either lost or never found. I even know where it is. I’m here clearing a space…for me.